Online Education Platform for Offshore Trust
With ESurePlus® as one of the proprietary output platforms and cooperating with BIPPO Multi-Family Office, we provide an Online Education Programme for practitioners in private wealth management field who wish to learn more about the industry practice and to expand their business development toolbox.
It includes exclusive-designed brochure, professional and detailed instruction manual, Q&A poster materials about offshore trusts, and multi-media study materials on trust-related topics, in the way of lecture videos and story epic series.
A wide range of study materials and learning resources on offshore trusts are provided on ESurePlus’s Family Office Research Module. By providing the programme, we hope to help financial practitioners further expand their professional knowledge reserve and improve business development skills.
HNW individuals, especially UHNW individuals, have widely recognized the excellent role of civil trusts in private wealth inheritance and risk management. After conducting an in-depth study of Chinese HNW clients who hold Hong Kong insurance, we found that most of these clients share similar needs in wealth inheritance and family protection.
The semi-standard solutions we offered by combing the “Insurance” with “trust” well addressed the pain points of some high-net-worth clients, and responded to clients’ asset management needs covering the four major concerning areas of personal & family protection, tax planning, asset protection, and privacy management. It provides our clients with a series of more complete and comprehensive asset protection and wealth management solution.
The Family Office Research Module contains three columns, Trust Collections, Insurance Trust, and Certificate Insurance Trust Consultant.
In addition, the module also includes an insurance trust training program specially created by the BIPPO Family Office based on its insurance trust solutions. The training program includes four online courses and a qualification exam. Learners who have completed four courses and passed the exam are able to become the Certified Insurance Trust Consultant of BIPPO Family Office and obtain related benefits.